Partner with us

Welcome our visitor and we appreciate your concern. We desire to partner with you so that we can feed and provide learning resources to these little ones. Please walk with us the best way you can.

As explained in our homepage, many children in Kenya go to sleep on an empty stomach, and thousands of school-going children are malnourished. Many are in school without basic teaching aid and learning resources. You supporting us, we can help a number of them and by this, you will have saved a life and kept a child going to school.

By your help which will keep children at school, this is what you will have eliminated from their lives:

School dropouts

Drugs abuse

F.G.M(Female Genital Mutilation)

Early marriages

Street children


So that we are able to feed them every day, we need a little amount of only US $15 per child per month. We currently have 2265 children from various schools who need our help. With your gift, we shall be able to prepare a subsidized and nutritious meals for these kids and serve them in their schools. We shall also be able to supply them library books among other teaching resources.

You are free to support a child or the number of children that you can. If you aren’t able to give monthly, we shall still appreciate and make well use of what you will give us.